Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Play Rehearsals Begin for K Students Tomorrow

Kindergarten students participating in this year's play, "Character Matters," start rehearsals after school tomorrow, Wednesday, February 24th. Some reminders:

1. PM K and all-day K kids should pack an extra snack to have before rehearsal begins. If you're dropping of an AM K student, please make sure she or he has had a snack before coming to rehearsal.

2. Please send a note to your child's teacher indicating that he or she will be attending rehearsal on Wednesdays so they are not sent to the bus. A play volunteer will escort all of the participants from their classrooms to the rehearsal space.

3. K rehearsal ends at 3:30 pm. Whoever is picking up your child from rehearsal must bring photo ID and must be on the list that was provided on the play enrollment form. If someone else will be picking your child up, please send in a note.

4. Last but not least, volunteers are necessary to make this production a success! Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to help. Below is the Sign Up Genius link to volunteer - please note that even though the form says K volunteers wrap at 4:15, we only need you until all K students are checked out at 3:30. Also, everyone who volunteers must have a current BCI on file.


Please email Caroline Gangji (caroline.gangji@gmail.com) with any questions!