Monday, November 30, 2015

Classroom Wishlist

Ever wonder if your child's classroom of teachers need any supplies? Now it's easy to find out on the Frenchtown Teacher Wishlist on Amazon

This list will be updated regularly and you can browse to see who's looking for what - it's noted under each item which class or teacher it's for.

When you add an item, be sure to click the "THIS IS A GIFT BOX" and you'll have the option to ship the item directly to school (choose the GIFT REGISTRY ADDRESS). We suggest adding in the gift message which teacher you're buying for.

If you choose to buy an item from the list somewhere other than Amazon, you can select the "BUYING THIS GIFT ELSEWHERE" option and the item will be marked as purchased.

Please note that in addition to items each grade's teachers have requested, there are also items for the Mrs. Hayes in the library, Mrs. Brayton-Simmons, our school nurse, Mrs. Cavanaugh, one of the resource specialists and Community Partnership, which provides snacks to students who cannot provide their own. 

Thanks in advance for supporting our teachers and staff!

Help Wanted!

Scroll down to read in its entirety.

The Yearbook Needs Your Pictues

Yearbook development is now beginning and we need pictures of the following:


We will also accept any pictures you may have of other school events.
We try to place only pictures of Frenchtown Students (no parents, avoid siblings if possible).
As much as we love all of your pictures, we cannot place everything, but we certainly will do our best!

Please EMAIL pictures BY FRIDAY 12/11 to AND please include the event name IN THE SUBJECT LINE.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Teacher Conference Day Thanks

Big thanks to the PTG Hospitality Committee for providing the teachers with lunch from Corner Bakery and freshly baked breads to take home today. It was a great way to show how thankful we all are for all that they do!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Square 1 Art Has Arrived

Square 1 Art has arrived! Orders will be sent home with students next week but if you need yours prior to Thanksgiving, please email and arrangements can be made for it to go home tomorrow.

Most orders will be sent home in student backpacks but if your order is large or breakable, we'll be in touch to schedule a time for it to be picked up.

Thank again to everyone who placed an order. If you didn't order or decide you want something additional, you can still order online using your child's access code. If you've lost it, please contact

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Webster Visits Grade 2

It was a hoot for second grade yesterday when Webster the Owl paid a visit. The students loved it!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Elf Festival of Fun

"The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe" is Coming to Frenchtown

Students are in for a treat on Monday when the Hamstead Stage Company brings its production of "The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe" to Frenchtown! This performance is made possible by the Cultural Organization of the Arts (COA), a non-profit group devoted to bringing the arts to East Greenwich public schools.

Please note that this performance is only for students.

Thank you to COA for all that they do, and if you'd like to make a donation to support their mission, you can do so HERE.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Martial Arts Night

It's Martial Arts Night at Frenchtown!

There will be a presentation and instruction by Mastery Martial Arts as well as popcorn and water for the kids on Wednesday, December 2nd from 6:00 - 8:00 pm.
(Mom's Night Out is happening simultaneously if you'd like to drop your Frenchtown students off and then head to Clayground)

Registration and $5 fee is due no later than Tuesday, November 24th.

We're also looking for volunteers to help the night run smoothly. You can sign up HERE.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

REMINDER: Frenchtown Moms Night Out Registration Due Friday

Hope you can join us on Wednesday, 12/2 for a fun kid-free night of pre-holiday crafting at Clayground! Registration and payment are due this Friday, 11/20. Get more details and download a registration form HERE.

Academic Newsletter for the Week of 11/16

Scroll down to read in its entirety.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Volunteers Needed for November Lunch Duty

We need a few more volunteers for lunch duty next week and the Monday before Thanksgiving. If your'e free from 11:30-12:30 and have a current BCI check on file, please consider signing up HERE.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Box Top Totals and Winning Class

Huge thanks to everyone who collected and turned in box tops last month - we received 4,400 of them which means Frenchtown will be getting a check for $440!

The class that collected the most box tops overall was Mr. Richard's second grade with 952. They'll be having a special music party with Mrs. Briedenbaum. Great job, Richards!

And a big thank you to Karen Gates for coordinating the Box Tops program and for counting all 4,400 of those little suckers.

Keep on cutting everyone - we'll be collecting again in the spring!

Register for A+ School Rewards at Stop & Shop

Do you buy your groceries at Stop & Shop? Then you could be earning money for Frenchtown!

If you have a Stop & Shop Rewards card, go HERE to register it in the A+ Rewards Program (the Frenchtown school ID number is 10771) and every time you make a purchase and show your rewards card, your receipt will show how many points you've earned for Frenchtown. In March, those point convert to cash!

Feel free to share this link with friends and family who might also want to participate. It costs nothing  for them to help give back to our school!

PS - If you have children in more than one participating schools, you can divide your rewards between them.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

REMINDER: Registration for the Providence Bruins Game Due Friday!

If you're planning on coming to the Eldredge/Frenchtown Providence Bruins hockey game on Sunday. November 22nd at 3 pm, registration and payment is due this Friday, November 13th! NO LATE REGISTRATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED.  

You can download the registration form and get more details HERE.

Monday, November 9, 2015

November Newsletter

Scroll down to read in its entirety.

Academic Newsletter for the Week of 11/9

Frenchtown Moms Night Out

Calling all Frenchtown moms!

Join us for a fun (and kid-free!) night of pre-holiday crafting on Wednesday, December 2nd from 6:00-8:00 pm at Clayground, 5600 Post Road in East Greenwich. Can't make it right at 6:00? No problem - come anytime during the evening!

We'll have drinks, snacks and dessert and you can paint however many and whichever pieces of pottery you'd like.

It's $15/person (plus the cost of the pottery you paint) and payment is due Friday, November 20th. Space is limited and will be reserved in the order payments are received.

Also, please note that the Mastery Martial Arts Event will be happening Frenchtown simultaneously if you wan tot from your Frenchtown kids off and then come to Clayground!

Questions? Email

You can download the registration form below or find it HERE.

Make Your Mark on Frenchtown

Here’s your chance to leave a mark on the school by customizing ceiling tiles!

The hallway leading to the K classes was filled a few years ago and former students still love to come back and look at the tile they personalized.

Now Frenchtown is offering up 30 more tiles which will run along the center hallway. You can buy one for your family, one for each of your Frenchtown students, one for your scout troop, one for your child’s class – whatever you want.

Each tile costs $30 and you can customize them however you'd like. Not only will you be helping to beautify the school, but a portion of each sale goes to the PTG.

We're only selling 30 - get yours today before they sell out!

If you'd like to purchase a tile, please send a check for $30/tile made out to Frenchtown PTG in an envelope marked "PTG CEILING TILES" in your child's folder. Make sure to put your email address in the Memo section so we can be in touch to deliver your tile.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Frenchtown & Eldredge Hit the Providence Bruins

Frenchtown and Eldredge Joint Event: Providence Bruins Hockey Game
Sunday, November 22 at 3pm
$20 per person, which includes a hat, popcorn and drink for every kid in the group

 Please return the attached flier to the office with a check made out to the "Providence Bruins" by November 13 and we will get you your tickets/food vouchers.

 Please note that all adults buying tickets will also receive a $3 gift card to Dunkin Donuts!

If you have any questions, please contact Donnah Plante -

You can download the form below or also find it HERE.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Come Support Frenchtown at the EGEF Spelling Bee

This Sunday, November 8th, is the inaugural EG Spelling Bee, sponsored by the East Greenwich Education Fund. Please join us at 4:30 pm to cheer on our Frenchtown PTG team, consisting of parents Mike Owens, Allison Seed and Veronica Syroney, as well as our own principal, Cheryl Vaughn, who will be competing on a team with Meadowbrook's Neil Marcaccio and Hanaford's Beth Cauley. Other competitors include town Democrat vs. Republican town leaders and students from Eldredge, Hanford, Cole and EG High. State representative Anthony Giarrusso will be master of ceremonies.

Non-spellers can get in on the action with intermission EG and RI trivia quizzes, as well as free food. There will also be raffles to raise money for the EGEF.

It should be a really fun event so put on your blue and white Frenchtown gear and join us at the high school to show our school spirit and support our teams! For more information visit

Square 1 Art Order Update

All paper orders for Square 1 Art have been mailed in and your items will arrive before Thanksgiving! Thanks to everyone who submitted.

If you missed out or want to order more, we've extended the online ordering deadline to Friday, November 6th. Visit and enter your child's access code to order. If you've misplaced it, contact Danielle Medina -

All online orders placed by Friday, November 6th will arrive at Frenchtown prior to Thanksgiving break - what better holiday gifts for everyone in your family?

Every item you order benefits the school so please consider purchasing a keepsake for yourself, your child or someone you love.