Friday, September 4, 2015

PTG Information Packets

A PTG packet should be coming home in your child's folders today or Tuesday. It includes info on the PTG, a PTG sign up/donation form, a BCI check form, a Save the Date flyer with upcoming events and a flyer outlining all the ways to get Frenchtown info (the blog, FB, the listserv, etc.). If you didn't receive any of the handouts, you can find them below.

PTG Sign up and donation form, which can also be found HERE.

Important upcoming dates which can also be found HERE.

How to keep up with all things Frenchtown which can also be found HERE.

BCI Check form which can also be found HERE. You can turn this in with a copy of your driver's license to Lisa Kehoe in the front office, bring it to our first PTG meeting on September 16th or turn it in at the EGPD. Please note that all school volunteers must have a current BCI on file.