From Mrs. Vaughn:
January 19: Liam W
March 30: Patrick B. & Scarlett R.
April 1: Owen M.
April 2: Colin A. & Raymond S.
April 3: Sam F. & Brody T.
April 5: Gabrielle S. & Vivian S.
- The next Parent Forum on Teaching and Learning is March 31st at 5:30 pm. The agenda is a review of Frenchtown's mid-year learner outcomes.
- Thank you to our wonderful After School Activity Coordinators, Kerry Rowe and Jen Righi, for all of your hard work! The programs were once again huge success.
- The April 1st PTG Meeting scheduled for 9:30 am is CANCELLED. Instead, there will be a meeting that afternoon at 3:00 at school to plan Spirit Week, which runs April 13th-17th. Please join us!
- REMINDER: There is no school Friday, April 3rd.
- Identify, describe, analyze, create and compare 2-D and 3-D shapes.
- Parent Newsletter
- Goal: W.K.5 - With guidance and support, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
- Elson: V, violets, volcanos
- Rakovic: Y, yellow, /y/
- Make sure you are using Reading A-Z with your student. If you have lost your log-in information, please let us know.
Grade 1
- We continue to focus on interpreting data in graphs.
- We are working on counting by 5s to 120.
- Please reinforce this at home as this is important in counting tally marks in graphs.
- We continue to drill basic math facts to 20.
- We are finishing up our writing unit on re-telling a story in sequence and identifying main idea and character traits.
- We will being learning to compare and contrast two texts.
- Spelling tests continue weekly.
- Families are encouraged to join in the Reading Fair project. The children are excited about the idea and have been learning about it in class and in library.
- Second graders will continue to practice working on bar graphs, line plots and pictographs.
- Don't forget to keep counting change at home!
- Students are beginning to make comparisons between two versions o the same basic story. This is especially fun with "The Three Little Pigs" or "Cinderella."
- It's hard to believe that we will soon begin out final Science Kit for the year. We will be studying Insects. This is typically a favorite among the children.