From Mrs. Vaughn:
January 19: Liam WApril 14: Maxwell HMay 17: Mrs. Foley
June 3: Ani G.
June 4: Grayson M.
June 5: Olivia P.
June 6: Nicholas P.
- June 1: Grade 2 students visit Eldredge
- June 2: Kindergarten Science presentation
- June 3: PTG Meeting @ 9:30 am
- June 5: Hanaford/Eldredge Orchestra visits; Talent Shot
- June 8: Jester and Pharley reading logs and donations are due
- Goal: RL.K.2 - With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
- We are working on Balls & Ramps. We will be discussing force, gravity, bouncing and rolling.
- Mr. Eric from POW! Science will be in on Tuesday 6/2 to teach us more about balls and ramps.
- Make sure you are using Reading A-Z with your student. If you've lost your login information, please let us know.
Grade 1
- We are reviewing all of our first grade standards in math and will be working on our "Step Up to Grade 2" worksheets from our enVision math series.
- We are working on our fourth quarter writing prompts.
- We continue with spelling tests.
- We are wrapping up our science kit on Pebbles, Sand and Silt.
- We have also begun our final unit on Space.
- We are looking forward t our field trip to the Providence Children's Museum on June 16th. If you wish to chaperone, we need to submit names to the superintendent by Wednesday so please send forms back. You must have a BCI on file.
Grade 2
- We will be reviewing various mathematical concepts learned earlier in the school year, such as additional and subtraction within 1,000, money and time.
- We are having a greta time reading "fractured fairy tales"and looking at these stories from different characters' points of view. We are even practicing rewriting some of the original fairy tales from a different perspective.
- Don't forget the Insect posters are due in school on Wednesday, June 3rd. Please make sure to punch two holes near the to of the poster and put either string or ribbon through these holes in order for your child to wear the poster during the display time. The string must be large enough to fit over our child's head.
- The Insect Museum will be held for parents during the afternoon of Friday, June 5th. Hopefully, your children have all given you the written invitation by now.