Reebok sponsors a before school fitness program called BOKS, which stands for
Success. The 6-week program through the
Reebok Foundation is a fun,
fitness program that gets students moving with games, and team-oriented activities and it promotes the powerful link between physical activity and increased academic performance. After 45 minutes of fun, the students head off to their classroom ready to learn. In order to get the program up and running for this spring, we're looking for parents to volunteer to coordinate it at Frenchtown.
Volunteers will need to be rained by BOKS and will work with the East Greenwich BOKS coordinator to run the Frenchtown program. They will need to be at each session and recruit and oversee volunteers for each session, as well as working with Ms. Carr to make sure BOKS doesn't interfere with her preparations for Phys Ed classes.
If you are interested in helping with BOKS, please contact or