Sunday, September 27, 2015

STOMP is Coming to Frenchtown!

COA will be presenting "Touch the Sound" with performers from STOMP on Wednesday at Frenchtown.

Thanks to everyone who has donated to COA - your support helps bring amazing programs like this to our kids.

Academic Newsletter for Week of 9/28

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Save the Date: Parents Happy Hour

Mark your calendars and book your sitters - we're having a Parents Happy Hour on Friday, November 6th from 6:30-9:00 pm. 

It will be a fun night to mingle with friends and meet new ones while enjoying drinks, hors d'oeuvres and a silent auction to benefit the PTG. More details to come next week!

We are currently collecting donations for the auction. If you'd like to help coordinate or have something (a gift certificate, sports or event tickets, a vacation house, a professional service, etc.) that you'd like to contribute, please contact Danielle Medina at

October Lunchroom Volunteers Needed

Thanks to everyone who volunteered in the lunchroom during September. If you can help out next month from 11:30-12:30, please sign up HERE.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Save The Date: Open House - October 14th

Parent Forum on Teaching & Learning - October 1st

From Principal Vaughn:

As we focus on our vision of all that we would like our school to be, I would like to extend the invitation for parental involvement in exploring current practices and participate in meaningful, two way communication and problem solving.

Vision Statement
Frenchtown School will be known as a school where
      Students develop independence and cooperation through active participation in inquiry-based, hands-on activities.  Students are confident, successful learners who engage in diverse learning experiences.
     The faculty uses varied, research based instructional strategies.  Through collaboration and shared responsibility, faculty and staff ensure that instruction is focused on the needs of each child and that equitable opportunities exist for all academic and enrichment programs.
     Administration facilitates a collaborative, supportive environment that prioritizes learning through trust, mutual respect and open communication.  Administration provides for professional development and resources necessary for teaching and learning.
     Families and the community are partners who support and expand learning within and beyond the classroom.

To that end, I will be creating regular Parent Forum on Teaching and Learning events.  Our first discussion will be held on Thursday, October 1st at 6:30 p.m.

Our agenda will be “Fun Friday”.  Please join me in discussing what worked well last year and how we might be able to improve moving forward.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

You Can Still Shop the Book Fair!

Did you miss our Family Fun Night at the Book Fair?

Not to worry - purchases can be made ONLINE until 9/26 - and 25% of proceeds go directly to our school to fund materials & activities.

Build your child's book library and also help us reach our fundraising goal - it's a win/win.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Art Fundraiser Assistants

We're kicking off our annual artwork fundraiser next week and students will be making hand print art in art classes with Ms. Melmed.

We're looking for parent volunteers facilitate the process - helping the kids properly position and sign their work, making sure their hands get cleaned up, etc. We have slots available with all of the Grade 1 teachers and Mrs. Elson's K over the next two Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Volunteer HERE!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Huge Thanks!

Huge thanks to Howard Faunce, the PTG and all of the parent and Cole middle school volunteers for making tonight's Family Picnic such a success! From the band and the food to the martial arts and the great company, it was ta wonderful way to kick off the school year.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

REMINDER: RSVPs for the Frenchtown Family Picnic Due Tomorrow, 9/9

This Friday, September 11th will be our Frenchtown Family Picnic. It runs from 4:00-8:00 pm and will feature live music, activities for the kids, and a pizza, pasta and chicken dinner from Piezoni's. The Book Fair will also remain open so you can do some shopping!

Please send in your response forms with payment by end of day tomorrow, Wednesday, September 9th so we can get a head count for food. The event will take place rain or shine.

If you need a form, you can find it HERE.

Hope to see you there!

SAVE THE DATE: First PTG Meeting - 9/16

Please join us for the first PTG Meeting of 2015-2016 on Wednesday, September 16th at 7:00 pm in the Frenchtown cafeteria. 

UPDATE: Holly Zenga will not be on site for BCI checks. She will be at the Open House on October 14th.

Monday, September 7, 2015

REMINDER: Summer Reading Recognition Logs Are Due 9/11

Don't forget to send in your child's Summer Reading Recognition log this week - they're due by Friday 9/11.

Here's how it works - each student who read six books over break (alone or with a helper) and fills out the Reading Log to turn in to their teacher this week will earn a free ice cream cone from Hill Top Creamery in EG! And that's not all - if they draw a picture of their favorite scene from one of the books, it will be displayed in the Frenchtown cafeteria for the month of September.

You can download the Reading Log by clicking HERE. If you have any questions, please contact Katie Erickson at (203) 570-4503 or

Friday, September 4, 2015

PTG Information Packets

A PTG packet should be coming home in your child's folders today or Tuesday. It includes info on the PTG, a PTG sign up/donation form, a BCI check form, a Save the Date flyer with upcoming events and a flyer outlining all the ways to get Frenchtown info (the blog, FB, the listserv, etc.). If you didn't receive any of the handouts, you can find them below.

PTG Sign up and donation form, which can also be found HERE.

Important upcoming dates which can also be found HERE.

How to keep up with all things Frenchtown which can also be found HERE.

BCI Check form which can also be found HERE. You can turn this in with a copy of your driver's license to Lisa Kehoe in the front office, bring it to our first PTG meeting on September 16th or turn it in at the EGPD. Please note that all school volunteers must have a current BCI on file.

September Newsletter

Please see below for Mrs. Vaughn's September Newsletter. You can also find it HERE.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Book Fair Is Coming!

It's Scholastic Book Fair time again! The sale will run next week from Tuesday, September 8th through Friday, September 11th.

You can view the schedule for class visits below if you'd like to shop while your child will be there, and you can also visit during the Family Picnic from 4:00-8:00 pm on Friday.

So come check out the great selection of books for kids and adults, toys, games and more! Stocking up on early holiday gifts or buying books to donate to your child's classroom also helps our school - proceeds benefit the PTG and all we do for the Frenchtown community.

Payments can be made via cash, credit card or check payable to FRENCHTOWN PTG. You're welcome to send cash or a check in with your child to use during their classroom visits.

If you can't make the sale at Frenchtown, you can also shop online at starting tomorrow.

Last, but not least, we're looking for volunteers to help at the Book Fair - setting up on Friday, September 4th and assisting during sales hours next week. Shifts are available during all class visits, and many parents choose to help out while their child will be there. You can sign up to volunteer HERE.

Happy shopping!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Frenchtown Family Picnic - September 11th

We hope everyone is enjoying the first week of school so far!

Next Friday, September 11th, we'll be having a Family Picnic on the Frenchtown Playground from 4:00-8:00 pm. It will feature pizza and live music, and we hope you'll bring a blanket and join us in enjoying some time new and old friends.

During the evening, you'll also be able to browse the Scholastic Book Fair if you'd like to buy some books for your child or your child's classroom.

Picnic registration forms will be going home in folders this week but you can also download the one below or find it HERE.

You must register and pay by Wednesday, September 9th so we have a headcount and can order accordingly.

And throwing a picnic like this takes a village, so if you'd like to volunteer to help, you can do so HERE.

Hope to see you there!